Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Lombok Island, Indonesia

Indonesia, renowned for its rich natural and cultural diversity, boasts a treasure trove of stunning destinations that captivate travelers from around the world. Among these gems, Pulau Lombok, or Lombok Island, stands out as a paradise of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and serene spirituality. From its pristine beaches and majestic mountains to its traditional villages and spiritual sites, Lombok offers an unforgettable journey for those seeking a unique and captivating experience.

1. Gili Trawangan: A Tropical Escape

Situated just off the northwest coast of Lombok, Gili Trawangan is a haven for travelers seeking relaxation and adventure. With its powdery white sand beaches, crystalline waters, and vibrant coral reefs, this idyllic island is a mecca for snorkeling, scuba diving, and beachfront relaxation. The absence of motorized vehicles creates a tranquil environment, allowing visitors to explore by bicycle or horse-drawn carriage, known as cidomo. Breathtaking sunsets and a vibrant nightlife make Gili Trawangan a perfect blend of natural beauty and vibrant energy.

2. Mount Rinjani: Conquering the Summit

For the adventurous at heart, a trek up Mount Rinjani is a journey of both physical challenge and spiritual rejuvenation. This active volcano stands tall as the second highest peak in Indonesia, offering trekkers the opportunity to witness magnificent sunrise vistas from its summit. The journey takes explorers through lush forests, hot springs, and the awe-inspiring Segara Anak Lake nestled within the caldera. Climbing Mount Rinjani is not only a test of endurance but also an encounter with raw natural beauty.

3. Senggigi: Coastal Charm

Senggigi, located on Lombok’s west coast, is a charming coastal town that offers a blend of relaxation and cultural immersion. With its pristine beaches, clear waters, and a range of water sports activities, Senggigi is a paradise for beach enthusiasts. The town’s vibrant art scene, bustling markets, and traditional Sasak performances provide a glimpse into the local culture. Senggigi is a gateway to exploring the island’s enchanting beauty while also enjoying modern amenities.

4. Desa Adat Sade: Timeless Tradition

Stepping into Desa Adat Sade, a traditional village, is like entering a time capsule that preserves Lombok’s rich cultural heritage. This Sasak village is renowned for its unique architecture, featuring traditional thatched-roof houses and intricately woven textiles. Visitors can engage with the friendly locals, learn about their traditional way of life, and witness their remarkable weaving skills. Desa Adat Sade offers a rare opportunity to immerse oneself in the authenticity of Lombok’s cultural roots.

Embracing Lombok’s Diversity

Lombok Island’s allure lies not only in its captivating landscapes but also in the harmony between its natural beauty, diverse cultures, and spiritual essence. From the tropical haven of Gili Trawangan to the majestic heights of Mount Rinjani, and the cultural riches of Senggigi and Desa Adat Sade, Lombok welcomes travelers to explore its many facets. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural enrichment, Lombok offers an enchanting journey that leaves a lasting impression of Indonesia’s extraordinary beauty.

Bodybuilding Gone Completely Wrong – The Story of Valdir Segato


A bodybuilder inspired by the Incredible Hulk is risking his life by injecting oil into his arms in a bid to make his muscles bigger.

Beefcake Valdir Segato’s huge biceps measure a staggering 23 inches as a result of painful synthol injections.

The 48-year-old’s arms have doubled in size from 12in after he began injecting the potentially lethal oil substance five years ago – and now he wants to get even bigger.

Valdir, from Sao Paulo, Brazil, is inspired by the physiques of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Hulk and is proud to be known locally as ‘He-Man’ and ‘the monster’ in the street.

Valdir, a construction worker, said: “This is a dream come true that I searched for and conquered.

“You look at your body and see that it’s growing and you’re going to want more.

“They call me Hulk, Schwarzenegger and He-Man all the time and I like that.

“I’ve doubled my biceps to 60cm but I still want to be bigger.”

Despite his humongous proportions today, Valdir hasn’t always been muscly.

In his youth, he was addicted to drugs and lost so much weight that people would call him ‘skinny dog’ and ‘little skull.’

Valdir said: “There was a time in my life that I got involved with wrong things.

“I got involved with drugs and I started losing weight because you don’t eat, you lead a wrong life.

“I started to look skinny and people started giving me nicknames like ‘Skinny Dog’, and ‘Little Skull’, and so I decided to change my life.”

Valdir joined a gym but wanted more extreme effects than he could achieve from exercise alone.

He was first offered synthol by a fellow gym-goer and soon became hooked on the muscle-enhancing substance, injecting it regularly in his biceps, chest and shoulders.

Now his weight has increased from 55kg to 80kg – but he says the oil doesn’t make him stronger.

He said: “The oil is mostly aesthetic, it models the body and makes the muscle swollen – it doesn’t affect strength.”

But Valdir’s obsession with bulking up could cause serious problems – including amputation – and he has had close shaves with his health in the past.

Valdir said: “There was a time that I injected a larger dosage of anabolic steroids and I ended up in the hospital.

“I mixed a cocktail of anabolic steroids that I was using at the time and I used it to excess.

“I was admitted for several days.

“It was a difficult time.

“The doctors tell me to stop it, the advice they give me is to stop using.

“But it’s my decision to use it because I want to, because I like to.”

Valdir’s inflated muscles have also made it difficult for him to find love, as potential partners are too intimidated by his brawn to approach him, he says.

He said: “At the moment, I am alone, I don’t have anyone.

“I do get attention, but people seem to be scared to approach me, I think that’s the problem.”

He also faces mixed reactions in public, with some people taunting and mocking him – whilst others ask him to pose for pictures.

He said: “In the street, I get a lot of looks when I walk by.

“Some people love my look but others are not so positive.

“There are times I hear people mocking me a lot, especially younger kids. They are always saying something because of my body.

“The worst thing is when people stop you and call you an ugly thing. But I don’t care what people say, if I like myself, that’s enough.”

Valdir’s friends are also concerned about his excessive use of synthol but nothing will stop him in his pursuit.

Valdir’s friend Fernando Carvalho da Silva, a construction worker, said: “I think the oil thing is stupidity.

“He thinks it’s good and I’m a friend so I stay quiet, but deep down I want to tell him to stop but he doesn’t want to. He’s happy like that.

“It’s the risk he takes – he wants to look good and wants to be famous.”

Now Valdir is aiming to pump up his biceps by a further 10cm and hopes his muscles will lead to stardom.

He said: “My dream is that with my musculature I try can achieve something – make a career from my body.

“I don’t have any regrets. I look at myself in the mirror and I like the way I look.”

10 Cara Mengatasi Depresi secara Alami

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Menjadi depresi bisa membuat Anda merasa tak berdaya. Tidak harus begitu. Seiring dengan terapi dan terkadang pengobatan, ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda lakukan sendiri untuk melawannya. Mengubah perilaku Anda – aktivitas fisik, gaya hidup, dan bahkan cara berpikir Anda – semuanya adalah cara mengatasi depresi secara alami.

Kiat-kiat ini bisa membantu Anda merasa lebih baik – mulai sekarang juga.

1. Lakukan rutinitas. Jika Anda mengalami depresi, Anda memerlukan rutinitas, kata Ian Cook, MD. Dia adalah seorang psikiater dan direktur Program Penelitian dan Klinik Depresi di UCLA.

Depresi bisa menghilangkan struktur kehidupan Anda. Suatu hari mempengaruhi hari yang berikutnya. Menetapkan jadwal harian dapat membantu Anda kembali ke jalur semula.

2.Set tujuan. Bila Anda mengalami depresi, Anda mungkin merasa tidak bisa mencapai apa pun. Itu membuat Anda merasa lebih buruk tentang diri Anda. Untuk mendorong kembali, tetapkan tujuan harian untuk diri sendiri.

“Mulai sangat kecil,” kata Cook. “Buatlah tujuanmu sesuatu yang bisa Anda selesaikan, seperti mencuci piring setiap hari.”

Saat Anda mulai merasa lebih baik, Anda bisa menambahkan tujuan harian yang lebih menantang.

3. Olahraga. Ini meningkatkan bahan kimia yang disebut endorfin untuk sementara waktu. Ini mungkin juga memiliki manfaat jangka panjang untuk orang-orang dengan depresi. Olahraga teratur tampaknya mendorong otak untuk terhubung kembali sendiri dengan cara yang positif, kata Cook.

Berapa banyak olahraga yang kamu butuhkan? Anda tidak perlu menjalankan maraton untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Hanya berjalan beberapa kali dalam seminggu bisa membantu.

4. Makan sehat. Tidak ada diet ajaib yang memperbaiki depresi. Ada baiknya menonton apa yang Anda makan. Jika depresi cenderung membuat Anda makan berlebihan, mengendalikan makan Anda akan membantu Anda merasa lebih baik.

Meskipun tidak ada yang pasti, Cook mengatakan ada bukti bahwa makanan dengan asam lemak omega-3 (seperti salmon dan tuna) dan asam folat (seperti bayam dan alpukat) dapat membantu meredakan depresi.

5. Cukup tidur. Depresi bisa membuat sulit untuk mendapatkan waktu tidur, dan terlalu sedikit tidur bisa membuat depresi menjadi lebih buruk.
Apa yang bisa Anda lakukan? Mulailah dengan membuat beberapa perubahan pada gaya hidup Anda. Pergilah tidur dan bangun pada waktu yang sama setiap hari. Cobalah untuk tidak tidur siang. Ambil semua gangguan dari kamar tidur Anda – tidak ada komputer dan tidak ada TV. Pada waktunya, Anda mungkin mendapati bahwa tidur Anda membaik.

6. Mengambil tanggung jawab. Bila Anda mengalami depresi, Anda mungkin ingin menarik diri dari kehidupan dan melepaskan tanggung jawab Anda di rumah dan di tempat kerja. Jangan Tetap terlibat dan memiliki tanggung jawab sehari-hari dapat membantu Anda mempertahankan gaya hidup yang dapat membantu mengatasi depresi. Mereka membantu Anda dan memberi Anda rasa berprestasi.

Jika Anda tidak bekerja sepenuh waktu di sekolah atau bekerja, tidak apa-apa. Pikirkan untuk melakukan pekerjaan paruh waktu. Jika itu terlalu banyak, pertimbangkan pekerjaan sukarela.

7. Tantang pikiran negatif. Dalam pertarungan melawan depresi, banyak pekerjaan mental – mengubah cara berpikir Anda. Bila Anda mengalami depresi, Anda akan melompat ke kesimpulan terburuk.

Lain kali Anda merasa tidak enak terhadap diri sendiri, gunakan logika sebagai perawatan depresi alami. Anda mungkin merasa tidak ada yang menyukai Anda, tapi adakah bukti nyata untuk itu? Anda mungkin merasa seperti orang paling berharga di planet ini, tapi apakah itu benar-benar mungkin? Dibutuhkan latihan, tapi pada saatnya Anda bisa mengalahkan pikiran negatif itu sebelum mereka lepas kendali.

8. Tanyakan kepada dokter Anda sebelum menggunakan suplemen. “Ada bukti yang menjanjikan untuk suplemen tertentu untuk depresi,” kata Cook. Itu termasuk minyak ikan, asam folat, dan SAMe. Tapi lebih banyak penelitian perlu dilakukan sebelum kita tahu pasti. Selalu periksa dengan dokter Anda sebelum memulai suplemen apapun, terutama jika Anda sudah minum obat.

9. Lakukan sesuatu yang baru. Saat Anda depresi, Anda sedang dalam kebiasaan. Dorong diri Anda untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda. Pergi ke museum. Ambil buku bekas dan bacalah di bangku taman. Relawan di dapur umum. Ikuti kelas bahasa.

“Ketika kita menantang diri kita untuk melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda, ada perubahan kimiawi di otak,” kata Cook. “Mencoba sesuatu yang baru mengubah tingkat dopamin kimia (otak kimia), yang terkait dengan kesenangan, kenikmatan, dan pembelajaran.”

10. Cobalah untuk bersenang-senang. Jika Anda mengalami depresi, luangkan waktu untuk hal-hal yang Anda sukai. Bagaimana jika tidak ada yang terasa menyenangkan lagi? “Itu hanyalah gejala depresi,” kata Cook. Anda harus terus mencoba.

Mungkin kedengarannya aneh, Anda harus berusaha untuk bersenang-senang. Rencanakan hal-hal yang biasa Anda nikmati, bahkan jika mereka merasa seperti tugas rumah tangga. Teruslah pergi ke bioskop. Teruslah berkencan dengan teman untuk makan malam.

Saat Anda depresi, Anda bisa kehilangan kemampuan untuk menikmati hidup. Anda harus mempelajari kembali cara melakukannya. Pada waktunya, hal seru memang akan terasa menyenangkan lagi.

Baca juga:  10 Aplikasi HP yang Bisa Membantu Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Cepat

10 Aplikasi HP yang Bisa Membantu Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan Cepat

aplikasi inggris

Dengan kebutuhan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris yang semakin meningkat, banyak perusahaan yang membuat dan merilis aplikasi yang bisa jadi pilihan untuk membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Ada 10 aplikasi HP yang bisa membantu Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan cepat yang bisa membantu Anda untuk belajar bahasa Inggris tanpa harus pergi ke tempat kursus.

Meskipun ada banyak aplikasi yang cukup bagus, tapi itu semua tergantung dari si murid apakah dia mau secara konsisten mengikuti pelajaran yang diberikan oleh aplikasi-aplikasi ini.

Inilah dia 10 aplikasi HP yang bisa membantu Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan cepat tersebut:

1. Duolingo: Belajar Inggris
Duolingo: Belajar Inggris adalah salah satu aplikasi yang paling populer di antara aplikasi belajar bahasa asing lainnya. Aplikasi ini gratis. Kamu bisa belajar layaknya bermain, sedikit demi sedikit. Setiap pelajaran terdapat penilaiannya, sehinggu kamu bisa mengetahui sejauh mana kamu memahami. Kerennya lagi, kamu bisa mengetahui perkembangan penguasaan bahasa Inggris kamu. Selain bahasa Inggris, kamu juga bisa belajar bahasa lainnya. Seperti Spanyol, Perancis, Jerman, Italia, Portugis, Belanda, Irlandia, Denmark, Swedia, dan lainnya.

2. Memrise: Belajar Bahasa Gratis
Memrise: Belajar Bahasa Gratis, aplikasi ini memungkinkan belajar bahasa Inggris secara cepat dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Yakni memanfaatkan teknik meningkatkan memori, yang akan memastikan kamu akan selalu mengingat hal yang telah dipelajari. Kamu akan mendapatkan puluhan kata-kata baru per jam, ada lebih dari 1000 video yang bisa kamu pelajari. Terdapat berbagai tes untuk memperkuat keterampilan kamu: seperti pilihan ganda, kecakapan mendengarkan, ingatan cepat, mengetik, dan banyak lagi.

3. Learn 50 Languages
Pelajari 50 bahasa. Sesuai namanya, aplikasi ini dapat mengajarkan 50 bahasa populer. Tersedia fitur gabungan audio dan teks untuk belajar bahasa yang efektif. Aplikasi ini berisi 100 pelajaran yang memberikan kamu kosakata dasar, kamu akan belajar untuk berbicara kalimat pendek dengan fasih dalam percakapan dunia nyata dalam waktu singkat.

100 pelajaran yang tersedia akan membantu kamu belajar dengan cepat, sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai situasi. Seperti di hotel atau restoran, saat liburan, obrolan ringan, untuk memperkenalkan orang, belanja, di dokter, di bank, dan lainnya.

4. CoffeeStrap: Language Exchange
CoffeeStrap: Language Exchange punya cara yang berbeda untuk fasih dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Aplikasi ini menghubungkan pengguna ke sesi chat dengan penutur asli dalam bahasa yang dituju, kamu hanya perlu memilih bahasa apa yang ingin dipelajari. Aplikasi akan mendeteksi bahasa kamu bicarakan dan memberi perbaikan.

5. Lingualy – Practice a Language
Cara belajar aplikasi Lingualy – Practice a Language adalah dengan cara membaca artikel. Jadi, jika kamu menemukan kata yang tidak dimengerti, hanya perlu tekan kata tersebut lalu akan muncul artinya. Bahasa yang disediakan antara lain Perancis, Inggris, Spanyol, Jerman, Arab, Ibrani, Italia, Belanda, Rusia, Portugis, dan masih banyak lagi.

6. Mango Languages
Setiap pelajaran di Mango Languages menggabungkan empat komponen percakapan kunci penting untuk komunikasi yang sukses, meliputi kosakata, pengucapan, tata bahasa, dan budaya. Semua yang dipelajari adalah tentang kegitatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

7. Learn English Conversation
Learn English Conversation memungkinkan kamu belajar percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris secara cepat. Ada banyak contoh yang disediakan dan harus kamu praktikkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Aplikasi ini gratis dan dapat digunakan secara offline. Kamu tinggal mendengarkan percakapan kemudian berlatih berbicara sendiri. Simpan kosakata kamu kemudian berlanjut dengan bermain game untuk belajar kosakata lainnya. Kamu juga dapat menerjemahkan kata-kata dengan kamus Inggris-Indonesia online yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi.

8. Belajar Bahasa Inggris Anak
Aplikasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Anak merupakan game edukasi pendidikan yang menyenangkan untuk anak-anak, baik itu balita hingga anak-anak yang masih sekolah SD. Jadi, cara belajarnya dibuat menyenangkan dengan mengenal benda-benda dan angka dalam bahasa Inggris. Aplikasi ini akan melatih konsentrasi, logika, kecerdasan, kepintaran, dan asah otak anak dengan cara yang seru dan menyenangkan.

9. Learn English with Aco
Learn English with Aco akan membantu kamu belajar membaca bahasa Inggris, menulis, mendengar, berbicara, percakapan, pengucapan, terjemahan, tata bahasa, dan kosa kata. Jadi, kamu bisa belajar bahasa Inggris setiap hari tanpa mengambil kursus bahasa Inggris. Aplikasi ini juga terdapat online bilingual kamus bahasa Inggris yang mendukung 40+ bahasa termasuk Indonesia.

10. Tata Bahasa Inggris (Grammar)
Grammar adalah himpunan dari aturan-aturan yang terstruktur yang mengatur susunan kalimat, frasa, dan kata dalam bahasa apapun. Bahasa apapun, termasuk bahasa Inggris mempunyai grammar atau tata bahasa tersendiri. Bila kita belajar bahasa Inggris, otomatis kita juga harus mempelajari grammar bahasa tersebut. Aplikasi Tata Bahasa Inggris ini merupakan aplikasi buku pintar yang berisi kumpulan informasi tentang tata bahasa Inggris, sehingga kamu bisa belajar tentang tata cara Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.

Itulah 10 aplikasi HP yang bisa membantu Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan cepat. Banyak aplikasi yang bisa dicoba, tapi semua tergantung pada kesungguhan Anda dalam belajar. Bagaimana, berani mencoba?

Baca juga: Physical Activity for People with Chronic Pain.

Physical Activity for People with Chronic Pain

Physical activity

Start slowly and build gradually so activity helps you feel better, not worse.

CHRONIC PAIN enters people’s lives in many ways. Sometimes it follows injury. Other times it accompanies chronic illness such as arthritis or fibromyalgia. Sometimes it has no good explanation at all.

Pain is normally a signal to take it easy and allow injuries to heal and illnesses to pass. But what happens when the pain does not go away? Pain specialists can provide medications, therapies and guidelines for coping with pain. One of their recommendations is usually to get moving. Long periods of rest or low activity are harmful to the body. Disuse allows muscles and joints to atrophy. Endurance, strength and flexibility decline, along with quality of life, as people in pain are able to do less and less, and their lives can become dominated by disability. Ironically, too much rest increases pain.

Activity, on the other hand, improves circulation and the health of the muscles, joints and bones. Joints love compression, and the way activity moves the joint fluid around to help lubricate painful joints. Muscles love to contract and stretch. The heart, lungs and blood respond to an exercise challenge by becoming healthier, as well.

If you live with chronic pain, and are trying to increase your level of physical activity, it is important to start slowly and build gradually so that activity helps you feel better, not worse. Adding activity is often difficult, but worth the effort as you take charge of your life and make the most of your abilities — participating in the activities that give life meaning for you.

Follow your doctor’s recommendations

The first step in becoming more active is to understand what is causing pain, and what types of activities are recommended.

Each person is unique, so you must become the expert on your pain. The healthcare providers you are working with, including your physical and/or occupational therapists, can help you understand what kinds of movements should be avoided, and which are good for you. Your providers may also recommend the use of ice, medication and other treatments in conjunction with physical activity.

To increase your activity level, you must be confident that activity is not causing harm. When you fear you are in danger, pain increases. When you know that the movements are good for you, you may be able to tolerate some pain, knowing that the activity is helpful, not harmful. If new pain occurs at any time, be sure to check in with your provider to figure out the cause.

Learn about pain

Pain is complicated, and involves not only injured or stressed tissues, but many parts of the brain. Your perception of pain is influenced by many factors, including your expectations, emotions, beliefs, friends, family and attitudes. Your brain may develop new nerve networks that make you more aware of pain. On the other hand, your brain can also develop connections that lessen your perception of pain. This is not to say that you can think your pain away. But many people find that they can reduce the control pain has on their lives by increasing their involvement in activities they like, and trying to enjoy life as much as possible. A good laugh, for example, has great pain-killing ability.

Increasing activity: Start slow

Once you have gotten good advice on which activities might work best for you, decide which to pursue. What can most help increase your enjoyment of life? Which are most convenient, appealing or beneficial? Do you enjoy water exercise, and have access to a pool? Can you use weights or resistance bands at home or as part of a group class? Or do you like to walk outdoors, perhaps with walking poles?

Begin by figuring out how much you can do without making your pain worse, either during or after the activity. Don’t worry if this is a very small amount. This is the amount you should do at first.

On the next day, increase the amount slightly. For example, if you can walk for five minutes with no increase in pain or pain flare-ups, the next day walk for five-and-a-half minutes.  Keep a record of your activity, and be patient. Avoid overdoing it, or pain may keep you away from activity for several days, reversing your good progress. Slowly but surely wins this race to outrun chronic pain.

If you want to be free from all of this, there’s a very excellent way to get rid off your disease by detoxification, with Smart Detox you will be free from this pain.

First Elimination of American Idol

First ‘Idol’ Hopeful Eliminated, Season’s Twist Revealed

Lacey Brown, the 24-year-old from Amarillo, Texas, learned that lesson Wednesday night when she was the first of the 12 “American Idol” finalists sent home. It’s always tough to be the first to go.

The 24-year-old event coordinator from Amarillo, Texas, was the first finalist eliminated from the ninth season of the Fox singing competition Wednesday. Brown, who turned in a lackluster rendition of the Rolling Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday” on Tuesday’s performance show, failed to impress the judges with a last-minute performance of Brandi Carlile’s “The Story.”

“I had a lot of people tell me maybe go the country route or something like that,” the teary-eyed pixie-haired singer told host Ryan Seacrest after her dismissal. “I’m willing to keep working. I’m not going to stop singing. I’m going to keep singing for my fans and for myself because I love to do this, so I’m excited for the future.”

At the beginning of Wednesday’s show, Simon Cowell revealed the return of the judge’s save. Introduced last season, the one-time-only power allows the show’s panel to rescue a contestant from being eliminated until the top five finalists have been selected. If they unanimously agree, no singer is eliminated that week but two will be sent packing the next week.

While her ouster may not have been a surprise, the biggest revelation of the night was that the controversial judges’ save was brought back — with a twist. Continue reading

The Top 10 Billionaires in the World

1) Carlos Slim Helu

Net Worth: $53.5 billion

Source: Telecom

Residence: Mexico

• Telecom tycoon who pounced on privatization of Mexico’s national telephone company in the 1990s becomes world’s richest person for first time after coming in third place last year. Net worth up $18.5 billion in a year.

• Recently received regulatory approval to merge his fixed-line assets into American Movil, Latin America’s biggest mobile phone company.

• His construction conglomerate, Impulsora del Desarrollo y el Empleo, builds roads and energy infrastructure.

• Son of a Lebanese immigrant also owns stakes in financial group Inbursa, Bronco Drilling, Independent News & Media, Saks and New York Times Co.

• Newspaper outfit’s stock popped in early March on talk he might buy a controlling stake; he denies the rumor.

• Donating $65 million to fund a research project in genomic medicine with American billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad.

2) Bill Gates

Net Worth: $53 billion

Source: Microsoft

Residence: U.S.

• Software visionary is now the world’s second-richest man. Net worth still up $13 billion in a year as Microsoft shares rose 50% in 12 months, value of investment vehicle Cascade swelled.

• More than 60% of fortune held outside Microsoft; investments include Four Seasons hotels, Televisa, Auto Nation.

• Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft in 2008 to focus on philanthropy.

• Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation dedicated to fighting hunger, improving education in America’s high schools, developing vaccines against malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. Continue reading

Theme and song from Favorite Character

Theme and song from Favorite Character

Charlie and Lola – Charlie and Lola Theme Tune, LazyTown – When We Play In A Band, Dora the Explorer – Waltzing Matilda / Kookaburra, Fifi and the Flowertots – Fifi’s Lemonade, Peppa Pig – Peppa Pig Medley, Pitt & Kantrop – Pitt & Kantrop Theme, Shaun The Sheep – Life’s A Treat (Wool Mix), Pocoyo – Pocoyo Theme, Me Too! – Me Too! Theme – Riverseafingal, Jim Jam & Sunny – Jim Jam & Sunny Theme, Finley The Fire Engine – Hey Hey Finley, The Beeps – The Beeps Opening Titles, Mama Mirabelle – Mama Mirabelle Title Theme, Mister Maker – Mister Maker Theme, Bratz Babyz – Feel The Power, Something Special – Let’s Make Music, Tweenies – Right Here, Right Now, Go Diego Go!-Morning In The Rainforest/Diego Theme, The Backyardigans – The Backyardigans Theme Song, Bob the Builder – Right Tool For The Job, Space Pirates – Space Pirates (Extended Theme), Charlie and Lola – The Bestest in the Barn, Big Barn Farm – Big Barn Farm Theme, Balamory – If You Need A Little Rhythm, Mama Mirabelle – Five Senses, Brum – Who’d Ya Call?, Postman Pat – Postman Pat Medley, Jakers! – Main Title – Jakers! Theme, Rupert Bear – Rupert Bear Follow The Magic, Something Special – I Am The Monkey, Jim Jam & Sunny – Wriggle Song, Tweenies – Do The Lollipop, Teletubbies – Jumping For Fun, Those Scurvy Rascals – Those Scurvy Rascals Theme, Fimbles – We Are Fimbles, How D’you Do?, Finley The Fire Engine – Friends To The End, Hana’s Helpline – Hana’s Helpline Theme Tune, The Magic Roundabout – The Magic Roundabout Theme, Bob the Builder – Let’s Get Busy, Fun Song Factory – Fun Song Factory Theme, Fifi and the Flowertots – We Love To Salsa, Me Too! – Bobby’s Boogie, Fimbles – It’s Fun To Fimble, Little Tikes – Let’s Play Together, Basil Brush – Boom Boom, Carrie & David’s Popshop – Carrie & David’s Popshop Theme, Noddy – Let’s Parade, Big Cook Little Cook – Big Cook Little Cook Theme, Get Squiggling – Get Squiggling Theme, Boogie Beebies – Motown Mix, Bratz Babyz – We Can Do It, Muffin The Mule – Where’s Willy?, Postman Pat – Greendale Anthem, Bill and Ben – Bill and Ben Theme, Pablo The Little Red Fox – Pablo The Little Red Fox Theme, Vampires Pirates and Aliens – Vampires Pirates and Aliens Theme, Balamory – Cheer You Up, SpongeBob Squarepants – SpongeBob Squarepants Theme, Crazy Frog – Popcorn, Teletubbies – Say Eh Oh (2007 Remix), Me Too! – My Time Too (Granny Murray), Tweenies – Bananas, Fimbles – Do The Fimble Dance, The Wonder Pets! – The Wonder Pets Theme, Balamory – Jump A Little Higher, Boogie Beebies – Reggae Mix, Bob the Builder – Bobs Line Dance, Tommy Zoom – Tommy Zoom 2007 Extended Theme, Fun Song Factory – The Rhythm Of The Music, Bird Bath – Bird Bath Opening / End Titles Medley, The Hydronauts – The Hydronauts Theme Tune, Teletubbies – Clouds, Ethelbert The Tiger – Ethelbert The Tiger Theme Tune, Skunk Fu! – Skunk Fu!, Little Tikes – When You Least Expect It, The Beeps – Beep Beep Tree Song, Watch My Chops – Watch My Chops Theme Tune, Noddy – The Noddy Nod, Crazy Frog – Axel F, Space Pirates – Auld Lang Syne Remix.

The 100 Most Powerful Women

1 Angela Merkel Chancellor Germany 2 Sheila Bair Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. U.S. 3 Indra Nooyi Chief executive, PepsiCo U.S. 4 Cynthia Carroll Chief executive, Anglo American U.K. 5 Ho Ching Chief executive, Temasek Singapore 6 Irene Rosenfeld Chief executive, Kraft Foods U.S. 7 Ellen Kullman Chief executive, DuPont U.S. 8 Angela Braly Chief executive, WellPoint U.S. 9 Anne Lauvergeon Chief executive, Areva France 10 Lynn Elsenhans Chief executive, Sunoco U.S. 11 Cristina Fernandez President Argentina 12 Carol Bartz Chief executive, Yahoo U.S. 13 Sonia Gandhi President, Indian National Congress Party India 14 Ursula Burns Chief executive, Xerox Corp. U.S. 15 Anne Mulcahy Chairman, Xerox Corp. U.S. 16 Safra Catz President, Oracle U.S. 17 Christine Lagarde Minister of Economy, Finance & Employment France 18 Gail Kelly Chief executive, Westpac Australia 19 Marjorie Scardino Chief executive, Pearson Plc. U.K. 20 Chanda Kochhar Chief executive, ICICI Bank India 21 Mary Sammons Chief executive, Rite Aid Corp. U.S. 22 Michelle Bachelet President Chile 23 Paula Reynolds Chief restructuring officer, AIG U.S. 24 Carol Meyrowitz Chief executive, TJX Companies U.S. 25 Andrea Jung Chief executive, Avon U.S. 26 Patricia Woertz Chief executive, Archer Daniels Midland U.S. 27 Guler Sabanci Chairman, Sabanci Holding Turkey 28 Barbara Desoer President, Bank of America Mortgage, Home Equity, & Insurance U.S. 29 Brenda Barnes Chief executive, Sara Lee Corp. U.S. 30 Risa Lavizzo-Mourey Chief executive, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation U.S. 31 Ann Livermore Executive vice president, Hewlett-Packard U.S. 32 Cathie Lesjak Executive vice president, Hewlett-Packard U.S. 33 Marina Berlusconi Chairman, Fininvest Group Italy 34 Melinda Gates Co-chairman, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation U.S. 35 Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House, House of Representatives U.S. 36 Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State U.S. 37 Jane Mendillo Chief executive, Harvard Management Co. U.S. 38 Margaret Chan Director-general, World Health Org. Switzerland 39 Susan Chambers Executive vice president, Global People Division, Wal-Mart Stores U.S. 40 Michelle Obama First Lady U.S. 41 Oprah Winfrey Chairman, Harpo U.S. 42 Queen Elizabeth II Queen U.K. 43 Nancy McKinstry Chief executive, Wolters Kluwer Netherlands 44 Gloria Arroyo President Philippines 45 Ana Patricia Botin Executive Chairman, Banesto Spain 46 Ann Veneman Executive Director, UNICEF U.S. 47 Yulia Tymoshenko Prime minister Ukraine 48 Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court Justice U.S. 49 Janet Robinson Chief executive, The New York Times Co. U.S. 50 Dominique Senequier Chief executive, AXA Private Equity France 51 Janet Napolitano Secretary of Homeland Security U.S. 52 Neelie Kroes Commissioner for Competition, European Union Belgium 53 Gail Boudreaux President, UnitedHealthcare U.S. 54 Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Justice U.S. 55 Mary Schapiro Chairman Securities & Exchange Commission U.S. 56 Kathleen Sebelius Secretary of Health & Human Services U.S. 57 Ellen Alemany Chief executive, RBS Americas and Citizens Financial Group U.S. 58 Susan Ivey Chief executive, Reynolds American U.S. 59 Amy Pascal Cochairman, Sony Pictures Entertainment U.S. 60 Helen Clark Chairman, United Nations Development Group New Zealand 61 Judy McGrath Chief executive, MTV Networks U.S. 62 Stacey Snider Chief executive, DreamWorks SKG U.S. 63 Navanethem Pillay High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations South Africa 64 Janet Clark Chief financial officer, Marathon Oil U.S. 65 Sherilyn McCoy Worldwide chairman, Pharmaceuticals Group, Johnson & Johnson U.S. 66 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf President Liberia 67 Tarja Halonen President Finland 68 Mary McAleese President Ireland 69 Virginia Rometty Senior vice president, IBM U.S. 70 Angela Ahrendts Chief executive, Burberry Group Plc. U.K. 71 Sri Indrawati Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance Indonesia 72 Terri Dial Chief executive, U.S. Consumer Bank, Citigroup U.S. 73 Deirdre Connelly President, North American Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithkline U.S. 74 Johanna Sigurdardottir Prime minister Iceland 75 Queen Rania Queen Jordan 76 Christina Gold Chief executive, Western Union U.S. 77 Colleen Goggins Worldwide chairman, Johnson & Johnson U.S. 78 Hasina Wajed Prime minister Bangladesh 79 Hyun Jeong-eun Chairman, Hyundai Group South Korea 80 Amy Schulman Senior vice president, Pfizer U.S. 81 Penny Pritzker Chairman, Classic Residence by Hyatt U.S. 82 Drew Faust President, Harvard University U.S. 83 Melanie Healey Group president, Feminine & Health Care, Procter & Gamble U.S. 84 Elizabeth Smith President, Avon U.S. 85 Deb Henretta Group president, Asia, Procter & Gamble Singapore 86 Ann Moore Chief executive, Time Inc. U.S. 87 Sallie Krawcheck Chief executive global wealth management, Bank of America U.S. 88 Pamela Nicholson President, Enterprise Rent-A-Car U.S. 89 Janice Fields Chief operating officer, McDonald’s USA U.S. 90 Stephanie Burns Chief executive, Dow Corning U.S. 91 Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Chairman, Biocon India 92 Eva Cheng Executive vice president, Amway Greater China & Southeast Asia Hong Kong 93 Efrat Peled Chief executive, Arison Investments Israel 94 Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi Minister of the Economy United Arab Emirates 95 Charlene Begley Chief executive, GE Enterprise Solutions U.S. 96 Mindy Grossman Chief executive, HSN, Inc. U.S. 97 Sharon Allen Chairman, Deloitte & Touche U.S. 98 Anne Sweeney Co-chairman, Disney Media Networks U.S. 99 Heidi Miller Chief executive Treasury & Securities Services, JPMorgan Chase U.S. 100 Mary Erdoes Chairman, JPMorgan Global Wealth Management

Michael Jackson Autopsy Results

Lawyer for doctor: Jackson had pulse when found

Michael Jackson's death

Michael Jackson's death

Michael Jackson still had a faint pulse and his body was warm when his doctor found him in bed and not breathing, a lawyer for the doctor told The Associated Press on Sunday.

Edward Chernoff also said Dr. Conrad Murray never prescribed or gave Jackson the drugs Demerol or OxyContin. He denied reports suggesting Murray gave Jackson drugs that contributed to his death.

Chernoff told the AP that Murray was at the pop icon’s rented mansion on Thursday afternoon when he discovered Jackson in bed and not breathing. The doctor immediately began administering CPR, Chernoff said.

“He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn’t breathing,” the lawyer said. “Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse.”

Jackson‘s family requested a private autopsy in part because of questions about Murray, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said Saturday.

People close to Michael Jackson have said since his death that they were concerned about his use of painkillers. Los Angeles County medical examiners completed their autopsy Friday and said Jackson had taken unspecified prescription medication.

Chernoff said any drugs the doctor gave Jackson were prescribed in response to a specific complaint from the entertainer.

Listen and download Michael Jackson 911 call by clicking here.

“Dr. Murray has never prescribed nor administered Demerol to Michael Jackson,” Chernoff said. “Not ever. Not that day. … Not Oxycontin (either) for that matter.” Continue reading